Those agamas (Laudakia stellio) sometimes really chose cool spots for taking a sunbath. This place is like nonplusultra - superb view over it's kingdom, much sun and moreover protection from birds of pray due to the roof overhang.

Juvenile dice (Natrix tessellata) snake, the only dice snake we found.

Uhm.. somewhere in turkey ^^ In the words of a tourist guide..: You see water! Blue! ... and beautiful tree..! and beautiful view ! Really beautiful view...!

One of the most beautiful green lizards in europe: the Pamphylian green lizard (Lacerta pamphylica). Quite shy animals..

Camel spider (Solifugae)!! First one ever :-)

So.. here some "minor" lizards (Anatololacerta oertzeni).. in different positions... just to please my fetish ;-)

Anatololacerta oertzeni

Anatololacerta oertzeni

The single Grass snake (Natrix natrix) we found, had a really amazing pattern!

Also cool stuff -- skinks (Trachylepis aurata). This one is basking eyes closed, not aware of the monster right in front of his nose.

and again .. agamas (Laudakia stellio).

One of the Dwarf snakes of turkey (Eirenis modestus). Really tiny and usually under stones. Funnily there were some out during the heat of the day.

A reeeeally sweet guy, runs short distances like hell and then puts his head as high as possible to get a better overview. And REALLY tiny. Named Snake-eyed lizard (Ophisops elegans), cause it's lids are not moveable.

An angry Montpellier snake (Malpolon insignitus).

Smallest guy (or lady?) from the whole excursion, a Snake-eyed skink (Ablepharus kitaibelii). Not one-eyed ;-)

Some other minor lizards. In the following detailed report on herpetofauna.at you will find much more!

Anatololacerta oertzeni

Anatololacerta oertzeni

The turkish mountain-pest .. or actually the eurasian mountain-pest. Goats and sheep keep the vegetation desolated.

Anatololacerta oertzeni

Trachylepis aurata

Trachylepis aurata

Those agamas (Laudakia stellio).. they are bastards, usually basking really exposed, but you can never get close enough for some really good shots..

Laudakia stellio

Laudakia stellio

Weirdos from another planet: African softshell turtles (Trionyx triunguis).

Weirdos from another planet pt. 2: Loooohohohoads of African softshell turtles (Trionyx triunguis).

And a littlepinkytiny sweetysweet Balkan Pond turtle (Mauremys rivulata).. annoying bastard, cause wouldn't stand still for 5 seconds.

Mauremys rivulata

Laudakia stellio

Laudakia stellio

Anatololacerta oertzeni.. apart from agamas i think the most common species, especially in the hills and montane areas

Anatololacerta oertzeni

Anatololacerta oertzeni

Mount Chimaera, gas comes out of the underground, really funny place to visit and !!! you have to take with you: Beer, sausages and pocket lighter for your personal, most stylish bbq-experience ever. and hope that not too much russians are around ;-)

Mauremys rivulata, they were quite used to disturbance

Mauremys rivulata posing