In 2024 the common adder (Kreuzotter / Vipera berus) was announced as the "reptile of the year". Because of that, Christoph organised an excursion for the Austrian Herpetological Society to visit a place in Lower Austria that is well known for it's population of the common adder.
Even though we were only 5 persons looking for herps, we were really successful: we saw at least 5 vipers. But also for other reasons it was a very interesting trip. We found at least 7 species of orchids, many viviparous lizards (Bergeidechse / Zootoca vivipara) and some other reptiles and amphibians (like slow worm and fire salamander).
Even though we were only 5 persons looking for herps, we were really successful: we saw at least 5 vipers. But also for other reasons it was a very interesting trip. We found at least 7 species of orchids, many viviparous lizards (Bergeidechse / Zootoca vivipara) and some other reptiles and amphibians (like slow worm and fire salamander).
We could observe at least 10 viviparous lizards (Bergeidechse / Zootoca vivipara) |