Back in 2023 we were invited to a wedding in Singapore! Here just a view pics from that trip. We were mainly sightseeing and celebrating, but also had a short exkursion to the Kranji Coastal Nature Park. As far as I had no camera equipment with me, all pics were shot with the mobile phone, therefore low picture quality.
The Supertree Grove in the Gardens by the Bay. Many things in Singapore are just gigantomaniacal.
A big part of the celebrations was getting the hands painted with henna/Mehndi 😀
The public transport in Sigapore is really well developed, with many bus and underground lines.
For the first time in my life I saw crocodiles in their natural habitat!! This one was basking right next to the path. All together we could observe 3 crocodiles. The species is Crocodylus porosus / Leistenkrokodil / saltwater crocodile, the biggest crocodile still living.
Salt water crocodile/Leistenkrokodil in its natural habitat: Mangrove swamps
The second highlight in Singapore is the amount of monitor lizards you can observe there! In most of the parks there are many of them present, and they are quite relaxed, so you can easily photograph them. Here: Asian water monitor / Varanus salvator / Bindenwaran
And here a video of a mating attempt of Varanus nebulosus / Clouded monitor / Nebelwaran, the second very common monitor lizard species.
A baby crocodile!!! 😍 Basking on a tree!!
All in all it was a really nice trip (even though we were only one day in nature), the wedding was really amazing, and I saw crocodiles! And tons of monitors!