latest fieldtrips
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at last i found some time to work through the pictures of the fieldtrips in march and april! Let's start with the end of march, where i joined my also-herpetophilic croatian friends on their fieldwork with common adders:

The second part makes a trip to the island of Krk. Also fieldwork with the croatian special taskforce for big black ones ;-) Main goal of this trip was to collect data about the occurence of reptile and amphibian species in a certain area.

There we learned: There's nothing more scary than scared horses galopping towards you around midnight. Seriously.. But we also survived it aaand, the most cooles thing, Igor found an alive cat-snake! The cat-snake is like the second holy grail of the croatian herpeofauna, first is the leopard snake, to which we will come later on ;-)
More soon! Meanwhile - and fitting today saturday evening - one of the greatest party-songs on the balkans: Dubioza Kolektiv - Marijuana !
Oja, es tut sich noch was..
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.. just unfortunately nothing obvious.. thanks to my encyclopaedic knowledge in joomla and programing in general it took me just 3 hrs to put the caption of "Table of Contents" on the right place ^^
In my defense - for that I also put up a testing system in another directory (and for that i can really recommend AkeebaBackup).
In the meantime, that you don't get completely bored (uhm.. yeah this may depend on your interests..), have a look at the homepages from Felix Wesch and Frank Sudendey if you want to see really great nature photography (.. and proper webdesign..).
Maybe later this week I'll add some pics from my last exkursions on Krk and Vir et al. Both excursions' motto you can see on the right pic - there's a treasure everywhere! ;-)
German version: alles leiwand!
nur um das einmal festzuhalten...
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... noch kann ich mich daran erinnern, worum sich mein Diplomarbeitsgebiet so im Großen und Ganzen dreht..;-)
Sonst gibt's hier grad ur viel zu tun, sowohl Freizeit als auch Uni latürnich, deswegen isses ein bisserl ruhig hier und die Antwortmails dauern auch immer länger als normal.. ;-)
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